
The transit-oriented community (TOC) proposal at the future Pape Station would provide more housing, including affordable housing, jobs, and retail space for businesses, with convenient access to transit, including connections to subway service along the Ontario Line and Line 2 Bloor-Danforth, as well as the local bus network.

The site will be advanced by the province in line with the stated objectives of the TOC program.

Why is Pape a designated TOC?

The proposed Pape TOC would add housing, including affordable housing, jobs, and retail space next to the future Pape Station, providing the surrounding neighbourhood with connections to bus service, as well as subway service along the Ontario Line.

What are the benefits of the Pape TOC Project?

The province, in consultation with the City of Toronto, is working on a development proposal that would deliver new housing and employment opportunities at the future Pape Station, along the Ontario Line and Line 2 Bloor-Danforth.

The TOC would deliver a mix of mid-rise and high-rise buildings that would fit surrounding current and future neighbourhood conditions. Along Danforth Avenue, a series of stepbacks (tiered heights of the buildings) would provide a transition in height and density toward the main street. 

Additionally, the TOC would be designed in consideration of the adjacent low-rise neighbourhoods in the local community.

Recognizing Danforth Avenue’s role as one of Toronto’s busiest commercial thoroughfares, the TOC would include retail space for businesses, which will be located on Danforth Avenue along with the Ontario Line subway entrance, to provide convenient pedestrian access and greater pedestrian traffic to support the retail businesses.

Economic activity

The Pape TOC would include retail space for businesses, accommodating approximately 53 jobs and strengthening the existing commercial mixed-use character of Danforth Avenue and the broader Pape-Danforth neighbourhood.

The project would also deliver approximately 2,150 square metres of retail space, which would help support local economic development.


The proposed TOC supports sustainability objectives by:

  • Locating homes and jobs directly adjacent to transit;
  • Providing on-site bicycle parking spaces in excess of by-law requirements;
  • Meeting requirements of green roofs and the Toronto Green Standard.


The proposed community is anticipated to deliver approximately 439 residential units, providing a range and mix of housing options, including affordable housing. Approximately 35% of the proposed residential units within the Pape TOC are currently planned as 2 or 3-bedroom units suitable for families or larger households.

These would be complemented by high-quality communal indoor and outdoor amenity spaces, which would act as an extension of personal living spaces, contributing to the well-being of residents and to overall liveability.


The future Pape Station would serve the surrounding neighbourhood as an interchange station connecting the Ontario Line, the TTC Bloor-Danforth line, and TTC buses. This would facilitate improved transit services and commutes as a result of consolidated transfers between two subway lines and surface transit routes. It would also support the area as a key transit node within the city.

The TOC would maximize access to and visibility of the transit station by strategically locating the station building in a prominent location along Danforth Avenue. It would introduce primary access points to the transit station from Danforth Avenue and Lipton Avenue, as well as a secondary access to the transit station from a new mid-block connection.

The proposed TOC supports the uptake of active transportation through the provision of over 480 bicycle parking spots with dedicated spaces reserved for transit users.

Project documentation

  • Cover Letter: Zoning By-Law Amendment Submission for Pape TOC, Ontario Line, North Segment (PDF | 457KB)
  • Project Data Sheet: Pape North (PDF | 836KB)
  • Project Data Sheet: Pape South (PDF | 841KB)
  • Contents List: Pape Rezoning Submission (PDF | 72KB)
  • Planning & Urban Design Rationale: Pape TOC (PDF | 44.9MB)
  • Functional Servicing Report: Pape TOC (PDF | 6.6MB)
  • Storm Water Management Report: Pape TOC (PDF | 7.1MB)
  • Rezoning Architectural and Landscape Set: Pape North (PDF | 10.2MB)
  • Rezoning Architectural and Landscape Set: Pape South (PDF | 16.6MB)
  • Transportation Impact Assessment Study Issued for Rezoning: Pape TOC (PDF | 4.2MB)
  • Electrical Engineering Reference Concept Design: Pape TOC  (PDF | 875KB)
  • Mechanical Engineering Reference Concept Design: Pape TOC (PDF | 305KB)
  • Review of Pape Avenue TOC Noise Vibration Considerations (PDF | 55.6MB)
  • Heritage Detailed Design Report Addendum: Pape TOC (PDF | 3.1MB)
  • Geotechnical Desktop Study: Pape TOC (PDF | 9.3MB)

Learn about the project

We welcome you to join us to learn more about this TOC Project in your neighbourhood. 

Comments about the Pape TOC project will be accepted following the first virtual open house on April 2, at 6:30p.m. and/or the in-person on April 15, at 6:30p.m.